1992-1993: excavation of stuccos from the 7th-century north cathedralExcavations of Saint-Pierre Cathedral1976: digging begins under the Chapelle des Macchabées1978: Demolition of a 19th-century heating plant under the cathedral1978: Demolition of a 19th-century heating plant under the cathedral
ARCHAEOLOGY - Excavations 1976–2006

The archaeological site of Saint-Pierre Cathedral is internationally famous among archaeologists. The excavations begun in 1976 by the Cantonal archaeological service under the Chapelle des Macchabées marked the beginning of a vast programme of research in and around the cathedral.

The excavations provided many new data on the birth of Geneva and its urban development over the centuries.

Scroll through images of the archaeological excavations, and click on the selected photos to view a larger version.

Archaeological Site of Saint-Pierre Cathedral
Cour Saint-Pierre 6, CH-1204 Geneva / Tel: +41 (0) 22 311 75 74
Opening hours: every day, from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm